
My name is Jennivieve. I have been into homebirth since 2001 when I stumbled onto a "misplaced" midwifery textbook at the local library. I devoured the information in the book and immediately fell in love with homebirth and midwives. I wanted all women everywhere to have an informed, intuitive, and empowered labor and birth.
I am an ALACE (2001) and DONA (2003) trained doula.
I have three sons who were all born at home. My first was waterborne. My middle child was 10lb 8oz shoulder dystocia succesfully managed by midwives. My last was accidentally unassisted (ask me about it ❤️). 
I have done doula work in hospital & home.
I was a midwifery apprentice for several years (2005-2008). I have attended homebirths off and on for over 20 years. 

Certified in CPR, NRP

Francoise de Sa